Thursday, April 3, 2008

Legalized prostitution?

My trip to Amsterdam wouldn't have been complete without a visit to the Red Light District. On a guided tour, I felt safe walking through the area at night. Before seeing this I wasn't sure how I felt about the legal prostitution going on here, but I learned some things on the tour that began to change my mind.
Girls are able to rent windows, and this means:
  1. No pimps
  2. Prostitution is kept off the streets
  3. Rent includes protection from the landlord, and each room has a panic button that will bring undercover security guards within minutes (And they are rarely needed, it's been years since one was used)
  4. The STD rate among the young women who rent the windows is lower than that in the Netherlands as a whole
The way I see it now, prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and will always be around whether it's legal or not. Why not make it safer by bringing it out in the open? As long as it's in its own place and people can avoid it if they wish, I think this is a good idea.

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