Thursday, April 17, 2008

Comment: Bad Cartoons

In response to this post about bad cartoons:

But what is the phenomenon of south park? Well, it's bad, really bad. I don't know any other cartoon that make fun of religion, race, politics, social behavior, killing and dying, sex and all the other topics that are usually recognised as taboo. Badness of south park can be considered on two levels: 1) Characters in tv show act bad (eg. Cartman), what can encourage viewer to copy this behavior 2) Creators of south park make funn of serious problems in their show. But is it really bad to destroy taboo and make viewer think about serious problems in different way? I admit that almost every episode brings reflection on cotemporary world and society to me. Shows like that are cry: 'Wake up people! World isn't a candy shop'

I have to admit I'm a South Park junkie... I love the show. I like it because nothing is sacred, but it's definitely an adult cartoon.

Think about the concept of South Park: four ten year old boys living in an f---ed up world where the adults always seem to be doing something stupid, and one of the boys dies in every episode.

If you step back and put all the bad stuff into that context, it does become funny. Sometimes the show makes a point about society's obsessions, and sometimes it's just random. Interestingly, the later seasons have no cursing.

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